Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Nikki and Lisa a couple of years ago. (Because I have no pictures of either of them on my blog.)

Grandpa Walker and Mandi. Sorry Mandi this is the only one I took.

Matt and Ginger the holiday planners and executors.

Cedric and Marci

Lisa and Dallas

Brent and Rosalyn

Carson, Brie, Steve, and Landon on their way back home to Phoenix.

Thanksgiving was great. I'm sorry not all the pictures turned out so well. I'm new at this. I'm having trouble with the transferring of pictures. We ate in Ginger's classroom at Logan High. It is the perfect place for everyone to be in one room. The food was fabulous of course. The kids played a few games and unfortunately everyone took off and we didn't stay and visit like we usually do.

We missed having Nate and Crystal, Brad and Nikki with us for Thanksgiving, but we know they had a good time in Texas and Phoenix. It was lovely having a few days off work and to relax and not have anything pressing to do. We did a little Christmas shopping. Dave even got up at 5:30 to hit a few sales. The lines at Kohl's were daunting and he made it through Lowe's intact. The girls did their early morning thing and I think the big purchase of the morning for them was socks. I think I will wait until next week when things calm down a little.


Unknown said...

It is so fun to see the pictures of all your grandchildren and your brothers and sisters, you are doing a great job... I need to learn!
Hope you have a Wonderful Holiday Season... I read you liked your holidays one at a time... but we are in the thick of it now!
Miss you!

Crystal said...

Sounds like you all had a fun time! We sure did miss seeing everyone!

Dallas Daines said...

Cute cute!! Love all the pictures. Where is one of you and Dad? I should have taken one...sorry. Thanksgiving was wonderful, I am glad I was able to spend it with you.

Nikki Petersen said...

It looks like you guys had a great time!! It makes me sad that we missed it.