Sunday, November 2, 2008

Starting Over

Okay, now what have I done. I tried to make it new and improved and I deleted my old blog and now I'm just as lost. Here are Brad and Hayden fishing.
Nikki, how come I can't find any other picture of you?

Dave in Bend, Oregon June, 2008. What a beautiful park.

Marci with her cute braids, her hair is short now and oh so cute. I'll have to find a new picture of her new hair cut.

Cole and Hayden playing in the laundry basket.
Lisa gave me a few tips, only do one post per day. (I was starting a new post with every picture)
Actually allow other people to see it. And most important, where was a picture of her. (And why did I choose this ugly one) My first attempt at blogging I was very proud of, but I learned that only seven pictures fit on a page. So I will try to be fair and get everyone on my blog at some point in time. Remember I'm old and I'm just starting.

Nate, Crystal, Tayla, and Noah on Noah's blessing day.

What I also don't understand is how I started my pictures and writing in one order and they ended up all mixed up. I guess I should just be grateful that they are even on the page. I'll try again next week. Send me some pictures so I can update this blog. Love, Mom

1 comment:

Brie Wheelwright said...

Very cute, Karen! I think you did an awesome job.
Check out our blog at
Miss you guys!