Sunday, October 11, 2009

October all ready?

Well as you can see by the picture on our blog, a lot of time has gone by. Noah is now 1 year old and walking. Dave and I are busy this fall enjoying the beautiful weather outdoors. We did our annual 3rd dam to 2nd dam hike and it was pretty cold, but not too many colored leaves.

I guess I haven't been taking many pictures lately, because I'm stealing Marci's pictures to blog. Thanks Marci (even though I didn't ask permission) Here are a few summer highlights.

I don't know why I can't place everything where I want to on a blog page. After I get done, the pictures and captions are all over the place. What am I doing wrong?
Picnic at 2nd dam.

Marci and Cedric.

Isn't fishing fun!

Parade time - July 24th.

Marci and Nikki

Marci and Lisa in Philadelphia

Dallas and Lisa in Philadelphia

Lisa and Marci somewhere in New York

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